The curricular structure of the Degree in Biomedical Sciences is based on compulsory curricular units that are organised in interdisciplinary domains:

  • Basic Medicine;
  • Biological Sciences;
  • Medical Biotechnology;
  • Mathematics;
  • Computer and Information Sciences;
  • Social Sciences and Humanities.

The programmatic content includes fundamental scientific content and specialty content within the biomedical sciences integrated through the study of the functioning of the human being. Thus, the basic contents covered are biology, biochemistry, biostatistics and various laboratory techniques, complemented with physiology, anatomy and pathology associated with the different systems.

Teaching of an essentially practical nature is introduced early and gradually throughout the Study Plan.

The Study Plan of the Degree in Biomedical Sciences is organised as shown in the following tables:


1st Semester

Biological Sciences

Semestral Structural Biochemistry 5
Semestral Cell Biology 5.5
Semestral Molecular Biology 3.5
Semestral Introduction to Scientific Research 3

Mathematics and Computer and Information Sciences

Semestral Information and Communication Systems 3
Semestral Biostatistics 3

Basic Medicine

Semestral Anatomy I 3.5
Semestral Histology and Embryology 3.5

2nd Semester

Biological Sciences

Semestral Biochemistry and Metabolism 5
Semestral Molecular Genetic 3
Semestral General Microbiology 2.5
Semestral Laboratories I 4.5

Basic Medicine

Semestral Immunobiology 4.5
Semestral Anatomy II 3.5
Semestral Histology 2
Semestral Physiology 5


Coordenador Licenciatura em Ciências Biomédicas

Ana Sofia Duarte


Phone: (+351) 232 419 500 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)