Testimonial - Ana Bárbara da Silva Bessa

Ana Bárbara da Silva Bessa

Post-Graduation in Clinical Periodontology

I definitely recommend attending the postgraduate course in clinical periodontology of UCP, for all those who want to understand and know the best and most current therapeutic approach to periodontal and peri-implant disease. Taught by a team of excellent professionals and internationally renowned guest speakers, it features a theoretical and practical component that enabled me to master different surgical techniques, from manipulation of soft and hard tissues, bone regeneration techniques, root coverage techniques and coronary lengthening, using biomaterials, PRF and autologous grafts. Always emphasizing the latest scientific evidence. A postgraduate degree in which the practical component is, without a doubt, the greatest asset.
testimonial - Cibele Pidorodeski Nagano

Cibele Pidorodeski Nagano

Post-Graduation in Clinical Periodontology

A highly recommendable course, which covers theoretical content and versatile clinical-surgical practices, always based on scientific evidence. It is masterfully conducted by a team of excellent teachers, whose love for Periodontology is sown in us, from the first day of class.
Diogo Gil Nunes Clemente Rodrigues

Diogo Gil Nunes Clemente Rodrigues

Post-Graduation in Clinical Periodontology

Training and continuous updating are important points in the daily routine of a Dentist. With that in mind, I decided to enroll in the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Periodontology at UCP and I couldn't have made a better choice!

In the course I found an excellent teaching group from an academic point of view, but also capable of stimulating the interest of each student and honestly transmitting their knowledge.

It was just a pity that the Pandemic situation we are living have deprived us of certain interactions, but we are waiting for the invitation for the next opportunity!

Testionial - Patrícia Alves Carvalho

Patrícia Alves Carvalho

Post-Graduation in Clinical Periodontology

The quality of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Periodontology at the Catholic University of Portugal (Viseu) exceeded my expectations. The theoretical component is quite complete, from basic periodontology to more advanced techniques, always based on current scientific evidence. There is a sharing of knowledge and commitment on the part of exceptional teachers. The practical component is strong, allowing it to be transferred to daily clinical practice and significantly improving it.


UpGrad - Formação Avançada