Danila Devesas

Daniela Devesas

3rd year student
Biomedical Sciences Degree

The Biomedical Sciences Degree at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa was not in my plans, but due to unforeseen circumstances it ended up happening. And the truth is that I don't regret any of this last-minute choice. I have lived a unique experience, where the course and the institution mean a lot to me. And without a doubt, the help of teachers who are always available to help students is the most important part of this journey. It has not been just a journey to finish a degree, but to get an excellent academic and personal training.

Irina Suheila Fonseca

Irina Suheila Fonseca

Doutoranda do Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência e do Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saude, i3s
Undergraduate Degree in Biomedical Sciences

After researching Portuguese universities that offer a degree in Biomedical Sciences, UCP (Viseu) was an obvious choice. The offer of the curricular units was what most attracted my attention and motivated me to choose. The UCP offers opportunities to broaden knowledge in areas of interest to the student, and enables students to explore and design their path according to their interest. Being a prestigious university, it offers excellent conditions for the student's development, and this was undoubtedly one of the criteria for my choice.

The love for the world of science transmitted by teachers was what most captivated me in the course. The excellence and availability of the teaching staff is obvious, as well as the transmission of knowledge in a captivating way. This degree has the ability to prepare and guide students to the world of Science / Research, focusing a lot on developing their reasoning skills, teamwork and discipline. This undoubtedly gives motivations and advantages to the world of work.

The decision to be part of the UCP was and remains the most correct one I have ever made. The strong and familiar structure that the UCP transmitted to me, was essential for my personal and professional development. The experiences lived, the dynamics, the friendship and the professionalism of the professors who accompanied me during my degree in LCB was crucial for the personal and academic success that I achieved today. I am very grateful for the role that the UCP had and still has today in my life.

Mauro Almeida

Mauro Almeida

PhD student at Adolphe Merkle Institute (Fribourg University), Switzerland
Licenciatura em Ciências Biomédicas

Biology and Medicine have always been areas of interest to me! Therefore, I saw the Biomedical Sciences Degree as a door to acquire knowledge in different aspects, but mainly in the area of ​​cellular and molecular biology. I also chose the course because I thought it would give me the fundamental bases to be able to do research in the scope of Health.

Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences at UCP (Viseu) is distinguished by the proximity between students and teachers and by the association with the Dental Medicine course. The fact that the course is structured in classes with few students as opposed to other institutions creates a better environment and allows more frequently the discussion of different subjects. These factors assist in the acquisition and understanding of knowledge.


Coordenador Licenciatura em Ciências Biomédicas

Ana Sofia Duarte

E-mail: asduarte@ucp.pt

Phone: (+351) 232 419 500 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)