Program Description


The Postgraduate Course in Digital Prosthetic Oral Rehabilitation aims to meet the needs of advanced oral rehabilitation of the population who visit the University Dental Clinic of the FMD of Viseu.

With a modular structure and a monthly frequency (10 months), this Postgraduate Course has a faculty of national and international reputation, dedicated to prosthetic oral rehabilitation using the latest digital technologies: from cone beam computed tomography, through digital dental photography, intraoral scanners, CAD-CAM technologies and 3D printers.

This course is in synergistic operation with the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Periodontology and the Integrated Master's Degree in Dental Medicine, in order to provide our students with an integrated vision of the prosthetic oral rehabilitation that patients need, always with the aim of providing them with the best oral health care.

Areas Addressed
  • Diagnosis of the edentulous patient (single, partial, total)
  • Planning of prosthetic rehabilitation on implants (single, partial, total)
  • Selection of prosthetic components / materials 
  • Stages of execution of a prosthetic rehabilitation on implants (single, partial, total)
  • Pre-prosthetic preparation (dental tissues, other hard and soft tissues)
  • Fingerprinting techniques
  • Registration of intermaxillary relations
  • Temporary restorations; stages, techniques and materials
  • Definitive restorations: stages, techniques and materials
  • Control and maintenance consultations
  • Resolution of biological and mechanical complications.

In all the areas discussed the classic concepts supported by scientific evidence will be reviewed, but the use of new technologies will be sought whenever the clinical case allows it.

Application Deadlines

1st of March 2024


UpGrad - Formação Avançada


Testimonial - PGROPD - Ana Bessa

Ana Bessa

I enrolled in the postgraduate course in digital oral rehabilitation, with the aim of mastering the latest digital planning and prosthetic design tools, both in the area of implant-supported rehabilitation and in teeth rehabilitation.