Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura

Assistant Invited Professor


Graduated in Dentistry at Universidade Paulista, Brazil (1999), Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry at Fundecto – Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (2005); Master in Science (2007) and PhD (2011) in Pediatric Dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidade de São Paulo (FOUSP), Brazil.
She has experience in the field of Pediatric Dentistry, working mainly in endodontics in primary teeth, dental trauma and endodontic pharmaceutical compounds. She also has experience in the development of new clinical and teaching materials for dental medicine. She has several published articles, patents, book chapters, books and presentations of works at scientific congresses in the area. She coordinated Postgraduate and Specialization Courses in Pediatric Dentistry.
She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FMD-UCP). She works as a researcher on the Salivatec platform of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS) (UCP). She has developed researchs related to endodontic materials and to assess the impact on the quality of life of Portuguese children with dental problems. She is part of the Adjunct Directorate of the University Dental Clinic of FMD-UCP, where she performs external consultations, performing treatments in babies, children and adolescents who need specialized treatment in Pediatric Dentistry. She also coordinates the Advanced Dental Education Program (FMD-UCP) which promotes postgraduate and specialization courses in the field of Dentistry at FMD-UCP


A self-report joint damage and musculoskeletal disorders data among dentists: a cross-sectional study

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with de Jesus Junior, Luiz C.). 2018. Minerva Stomatologica

Adaptation and penetration of resin-based root canal sealers in root canals irradiated with high-intensity lasers

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Moura-Netto, Cacio). 2015. Journal of Biomedical Optics

Associação entre a ocorrência de reabsorção radicular externa e a perda precoce de incisivos decíduos traumatizados: estudo de coorte histórico

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Juliana Sayuri Kimura). 2017.

Avaliação da estabilidade física de formulações da Pasta Guedes-Pinto desenvolvidas com diferentes excipientes

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Anna Carolina Volpi Mello-Moura). 2007.

Bonding behavior of restorative materials in primary teeth submitted to erosive challenge - Evidence from an in vitro study

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Kerber Tedesco, Tamara). 2018. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

Critérios para o diagnóstico da necrose pulpar em dentes decíduos: revisão sistemática

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Bianca Serpa da Fonseca Del Negro de Moura). 2018.

CT study of the performance of reciprocating and oscillatory motions in flattened root canal areas

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with MOURA-NETTO,Cacio). 2015. Brazilian Oral Research

Cytotoxicity evaluation of Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe fluid extract used in oral hygiene products

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Fernandes, Joao Paulo dos Santos). 2012. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica

Cytotoxicity, histopathological, microbiological and clinical aspects of an endodontic iodoform-based paste used in pediatric dentistry: a review

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Cerqueira, D. F.). 2008. J Clin Pediatr Dent

Deep Carious Lesions Management with Stepwise, Selective, or Non-Selective Removal in Permanent Dentition: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura & Pedro André Ferreira Campos Lopes (with Nicola Figundio). 2023. Healthcare

Desempenho de dois materiais obturadores iodoformados para pulpectomia de dentes decíduos: um ensaio clínico randomizado com dois anos de acompanhamento

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Carmela Rampazzo Bresolin). 2017.

Early diagnosis and surgical treatment of the lower labial frenum in infancy: A case report

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A.C.V.). 2008. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

Eficácia de intervenções educativas na saúde oral da criança : proposta para o projeto Ser Criança

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Dias, Beatriz Gonçalves). 2020.

Evaluating Glass Ionomer Cement Longevity in the Primary and Permanent Teeth—An Umbrella Review

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura & Pedro André Ferreira Campos Lopes (with Alessandro Panetta). 2024. Journal of Functional Biomaterials

Evaluation of the Post Orthognathic Surgery Satisfaction: a Comparative Cross-Sectional Study of Patients Class II and III

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Afonso Pereira, Rafael Martins). 2017. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery

Ex vivo performance of five methods for root canal length determination in primary anterior teeth

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A. C. V.). 2010. International Endodontic Journal

Formulação odontológica endodôntica estável e processo de preparo da mesma. BR patente PI 0802256-9. 2017 Nov 14.

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura ACV). 2017.

Giant Cell Fibroma in a Two-Year-Old Child

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Volpi Mello-Moura, Anna Carolina). 2016. Case Reports in Dentistry

Impact of different restorative treatments for deep caries lesion in primary teeth (CEPECO 1) - study protocol for a noninferiority randomized clinical trial

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Quennehen da Silva, Gabriela Seabra). 2019. Bmc Oral Health

Influence of preoperative pain in the success rate of indirect pulp capping: a retrospective study

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Moura-Netto, Cacio). 2017. Minerva Stomatologica

Laser for bone healing after oral surgery: systematic review

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Noba, Claudio). 2018. Lasers in Medical Science

Low-intensity laser phototherapy enhances the proliferation of dental pulp stem cells under nutritional deficiency

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with MOURA-NETTO,Cacio). 2016. Brazilian Oral Research

Management of deep caries lesions with or without pulp involvement in primary teeth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura 2020. Brazilian oral research

Multidisciplinary approach on rehabilitation of primary teeth traumatism repercussion on the permanent successor: 6-year follow-up case report

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A. C.). 2009. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent

Nd:YAG laser irradiation effect on apical intracanal dentin - a microleakage and SEM evaluation

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Moura-Netto,Cacio). 2011. Brazilian Dental Journal


Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura ACV). 2016. SANTOS

Oral health status of children and young adults with autism spectrum disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with da Silva, Silvana Nunes). 2017. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry

Oral Health Strategies: Surveying the Present to Plan the Future of Community-Based Learning


Performance de diferentes métodos de instrumentação radicular em dentes decíduos humanos e artificiais avaliado pela tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Anna Carolina Volpi Mello-Moura). 2011.


Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura 2021. Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy

Physicochemical properties and filling capacity of an experimental iodoform-based paste in primary teeth.

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Renata Pereira de Samuel MARQUES). 2020. Brazilian oral research

Pulp Calcification in Traumatized Primary Teeth - Classification, Clinical And Radiographic Aspects

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A. C. V.). 2017. J Clin Pediatr Dent

Pulp Calcification in Traumatized Primary Teeth: Prevalence and Associated Factors

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A. C., V). 2011. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

Quantificação imunofenotípica da polarização de macrófagos M1 e M2, em cistos radiculares de dentes decíduos e permanentes

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Amanda Silva Bertasso). 2018.

The Influence of Root Prominence on the Onset of Gingival Recession: A Systematic Review

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Girolamo Raso). 2024. Surgeries

Traumatismos dentários em crianças

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Almeida, Erika Albuquerque de). 2020.

Use of artificial primary teeth for endodontic laboratory research: experiments related to canal length determination

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, Anna Carolina V.). 2017. Bmc Oral Health

Variability in the proportion of components of iodoform-based Guedes-Pinto paste mixed by dental students and pediatric dentists

Anna Carolina Volpi Melo de Moura (with Mello-Moura, A. C.). 2011. Indian J Dent Res