Dentistry is a medical-dental specialty with a wide range of areas, since it is linked to other areas such as Preventive Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation. A great number of professionals use dentistry treatments in their professional routine, which justifies the need for its updating.
The Postgraduate Course in Aesthetic Dentistry at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Portuguese Catholic University (FMD) in Viseu will allow dentists to deepen and update their knowledge, aiming at resolving clinical situations of varying complexity by making use of the latest technical solutions, materials and instruments.
The various topics of the course are organized into modules that are taught by a multidisciplinary team of FMD teachers, international and national guest lecturers with extensive experience in the area. The teaching involves lectures, seminars, laboratory activities, workshops and clinical care of patients with distinct complexities. Patient care takes place at the University Dental Clinic of the UCP.
The course will also cover educational and preventive strategies to promote oral health in the community, associated with the use of minimally invasive techniques, bioactive materials and digital resources.
Areas Addressed
- Diagnosis and restorative planning;
- Prevention and minimal intervention in dentistry;
- Cariology applied to Dentistry;
- Dental morphology and function;
- Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures;
- Dental adhesion;
- Digital dentistry related to dentistry;
- Direct restorations;
- Indirect metal-free single-unit restorations.
Application Deadlines
1st of March 2024