Helena Cristina Morais Coelho Teixeira Salgado

Invited Teaching Assistant

Generic Bio

Graduated in Dental Medicine by Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto in 2005. Master in Oral Rehabilitation by FMDUP in 2009. PhD student at FMDUP in the area of Prostodontics. External collaborator of the Curricular Unit of Anatomy and Dental Histology of FMDUP from 2009 to 2019. Invited professor at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Catholic University in Viseu, since 2019, in the area of Oral Rehabilitation – in the Curricular Units of Occlusion, Fixed Prosthesis and Removable Prostheses. Private clinical practice: at the Dental Clinic of Carvalhos, under the clinical direction of Prof. Dr Fernando Almeida, from 2005 to 2011, having been a trainer of implantology courses conducted by the FA Training Center; at the Ria Saúde Clinic in Estarreja from 2012 to 2017; and from 2010 to the present date at the clinic of Prof. Dr Pedro Mesquita, in Oporto. Member of the SPEMD North Regional Council from 2014 to 2018. Member of the National Directorate of SPEMD since 2018 to the present. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Congresses of SPEMD in the years 2016 and 2019. Author and co-author of several scientific articles published in journals of the specialty. Frequent participation in training actions, mainly in the area of Oral Rehabilitation.