Conditions for access to courses at the Faculty of Dental Medicine
In this area you can find all information regarding applications for all courses at the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Course Holders

This access regime is open to applicants who hold a medium or high school degree, either Portuguese or foreign, who attended Higher Education.

Applications calendar 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the Master's Degree in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit scholarships with exemption or reduction of the tuition fee, in accordance with the  FMD Merit Scholarship Regulations

Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences

1st Stage

5 June to 1 September

2nd Stage

4 to 14 of September

1st Stage

5 September       

2nd Stage

18 of Semptember


1st Stage

5 to 8 September

2nd Stage

18 to 20 of September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

1st Stage

5 June to 24 July

2nd Stage

25 July to 9 August

1st Stage

27 July  

2nd Stage

11 of August

1st Stage

31 July to 3 August

2nd Stage

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 of June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August

Should there be any vacancies left after the second stage, the Faculty of Dental Medicine may, at its discretion, make these vacancies available for a third stage of applications. These applications may be considered in the order in which they are received, being exhausted once they are filled, or they may be ranked within a period to be defined by the Faculty.

The application for admission can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documentation required for application:

  • Civil and tax identification document;
  • Higher education certificate with final grade average (if admitted, an original or certified photocopy must be handed in at the time of enrolment).
  • For foreign qualifications, a statement explaining the grading scale, when this is different from the Portuguese system (0-20 values, a positive grade as from 10 values)

Note: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised by a Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority in the issuing country, or contain The Hague Apostille, except if issued in the United Kingdom, in countries of the EU, or belonging to the European Economic Area, or the European Free Trade Association. When the documents are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, English or French, the respective translation must be delivered, made under the terms foreseen in the notarial law. Legalized documents must be submitted at the time of registration.

International Student Status - Brazilian Nationality

Brazilian students have the possibility to apply to FMD-Católica's Bachelor and Integrated Master programmes with ENEM. On this page you will find information for students who meet the eligibility requirements legally defined in the International Student Statute.

For this purpose, an international student is considered to be a student who, cumulatively:

  • Not to be a national of a member state of the European Union;
  • Not to be a direct descendent, spouse (husband/wife) or partner of a national of a European Union member state;
  • Not to have been legally residing in Portugal for more than 2 years continuously on January 1st of the year in which he/she intends to enter higher education (by him/herself, his/her spouse or any of his/her parents with whom he/she legally resides);
  • Not to be beneficiary, on January 1st of the year he/she intends to enter higher education, of the equal rights and duties status granted under the terms of an international treaty signed between the Portuguese State and the State of which he/she is a national.

The admission of foreign citizens who are not covered by the International Student Statute is carried out under the conditions applicable to students with Portuguese nationality.

To do so, they must register in a Portuguese secondary school to take the national exams in Portugal and present one of the exams required by FMD - Católica or they can take in Portugal or Brazil an analogous exam to the one required through the international education system, for example IB or SAT Exams. To find out which terminal subjects are analogous to the entrance exams requested, contact the FMD.

Access Requirements

For your application to be assessed you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be considered an International Student;
  • Have completed secondary education;
  • Have done ENEM (entrance exam);
  • Have equivalence to the Portuguese secondary education or have concluded a qualification that gives access to higher education in the country of origin.​

Application dates 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the MSc in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit-based scholarships with exemption or reduction of tuition fees, in accordance with the FMD Merit Scholarship Regulations

Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences

Stage 1

5 June to 1 September

Stage 2

4 to 14  September

Stage 1

5 September     

Stage 2

18 September


Stage 1

5 to 8 September

Stage 2

18 to 20 September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Stage 1

5 June to 24 July

Stage 2

25 July to 9 August

Stage 1

27 July   

Stage 2

11 August

Stage 1

31 July to 3 August

Stage 2

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August

Should there be any vacancies left after the second stage, the Faculty of Dental Medicine may, at its discretion, make these vacancies available for a third stage of applications. These applications may be considered in the order in which they are received, being exhausted once they are filled, or they may be ranked within a period to be defined by the Faculty.

ENEM exams and admission places


Proof of ENEM


Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences

Mathematics and its Technologies: 100% or Nature Sciences and its Technologies : 100%


Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Nature Sciences and its Technologies : 100% or Nature Sciences and its Technologies : 50% and Mathematics and its Technologies : 50%.
Prerequisite: Group A - interpersonal communication proven by medical certificate


Application Score

The application grade is calculated as follows:

  • Final grade of the high school course (minimum positive score): 60%.
  • Grading of the ENEM area relevant to the course you are applying for (minimum score 475): 40%


NOTE: The grades obtained will be converted to the Portuguese scale, according to the applicable legislation.

Documentation required for application

Note: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised by a Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority in the issuing country, or contain The Hague Apostille, except if issued in the United Kingdom, in countries of the EU, or belonging to the European Economic Area, or the European Free Trade Association. When the documents are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, English or French, the respective translation must be delivered, made under the terms foreseen in the notarial law. Legalized documents must be submitted at the time of registration.

Application Procedure

Step 1 - Start your ONLINE APPLICATION

Fill in your personal details, select the programme you want to apply for and attach all mandatory documents. *

The original document or a certified copy must be presented at the UCP's School Office at the time of enrolment.

* Please note that all documents must be submitted in PDF format.

Step 2 - Payment of the application fee

After filling out the application and attaching the necessary documents you must pay the application fee (non-refundable). Please note that the application will only be considered complete after payment of the application fee.

The payment can be made by bank transfer (any bank charges are responsibility of the applicant) with the following reference:

IBAN: PT50 000706670000686000017

You should send proof of payment to

Step 3 - Results of the application

The results will be available on the Applicant Area on the due date, with the indication "Admissed" or "Not Admitted". You must access this area with the credentials you will receive at the end of your application.

After the results are announced, you will receive an email with the procedure to follow in order to enrol.

International Student Status - Other Non EU Nationalities

Foreign students have the possibility to apply to FMD-Católica's Bachelor and Integrated Master programmes. On this page you will find information for students who meet the eligibility requirements legally defined in the International Student Status.

For this purpose, an international student is considered to be one who, cumulatively:

  • Not to be a national of a member state of the European Union;
  • Not to be a direct descendent, spouse (husband/wife) or partner of a national of a European Union member state;
  • Not to have been legally residing in Portugal for more than 2 years continuously on January 1st of the year in which he/she intends to enter higher education (by him/herself, his/her spouse or any of his/her parents with whom he/she legally resides);
  • Not to be beneficiary, on January 1st of the year he/she intends to enter higher education, of the equal rights and duties status granted under the terms of an international treaty signed between the Portuguese State and the State of which he/she is a national.

The admission of foreign citizens who are not covered by the International Student Statute is carried out under the conditions applicable to students with Portuguese nationality.

In order to do so you must enrol in a Portuguese secondary school to take the national exams in Portugal and present one of the exams required by FMD-Católica or you can take in Portugal or Brazil an analogous exam to the one required through the international education system, for example IB or SAT Exams. To find out which terminal subjects are analogous to the entrance examinations requested, contact the FMD.

Access Requirements
For an application to be assessed you must meet the following requirements:

Be considered an International Student;
Have equivalence to Portuguese secondary education or have completed a qualification that gives you access to higher education in your home country;
Have completed secondary school final exams in 2020, 2019 or 2018 in the areas of access to each of the courses (see the ​Examination Matching Table) or have passed a foreign secondary education subject considered equivalent to the entrance examination.

Applications calendar 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the MSc in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit-based scholarships with exemption or reduction of tuition fees, in accordance with the FMD Merit Scholarship Regulations

Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Stage 1

5 June to 1 September

Stage 2

4 to 14 September

Stage 1

5 September       

Stage 2

18 September


Stage 1

5 to 8 September

Stage 2

18 to 20 September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Stage 1

5 junho a 24 julho

Stage 2

25 July to 9 August

Stage 1

27 de julho   

Stage 2

11 August

Stage 1

31 julho a 3 agosto

Stage 2

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August

Should there be any vacancies left after the second stage, the Faculty of Dental Medicine may, at its discretion, make these vacancies available for a third stage of applications. These applications may be considered in the order in which they are received, being exhausted once they are filled, or they may be ranked within a period to be defined by the Faculty.

Entrance examinations and admission requirements


Entrance examinations required


Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Biology and Geology or Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics


Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Biology and Geology or one of the following sets

  •  Biology and Geology and Physics and Chemistry
  •  Biology and Geology and Mathematics A


Application Score
The application grade is calculated as follows:

  • Final classification of the secondary education course or equivalent (minimum positive score): 60%.
  • Final classification of the national final exam or relevant homologous subject for the course applied for: 40%.

Note: The marks obtained will be converted to the Portuguese scale, according to the applicable legislation.

Documentation required for application:

  • Passport;
  • Declaration, under oath, that the applicant is eligible as "international student";
  • Detailed secondary education diploma (subjects taken and their grades) and final classification;
  • Document proving the marks obtained in the final national secondary education exam;
    Official document issued by a competent entity, explaining the education system attended, proving that the qualification held gives access to higher education in the country where it was obtained and the applicable grading scale (including minimum pass mark);
  • Certificate of equivalence to Portuguese secondary education (to be obtained in a Portuguese secondary school or at the Directorate-General for Education - more informations here).

Note: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised by a Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority in the issuing country, or contain The Hague Apostille, except if issued in the United Kingdom, in countries of the EU, or belonging to the European Economic Area, or the European Free Trade Association. When the documents are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, English or French, the respective translation must be delivered, made under the terms foreseen in the notarial law. Legalized documents must be submitted at the time of registration.

Application Procedure

Step 1 - Start your ONLINE APPLICATION

Fill in your personal details, select the programme you want to apply for and attach all mandatory documents. *

The original document or a certified copy must be presented at the UCP's School Office at the time of enrolment.

* Please note that all documents must be submitted in PDF format.

Step 2 - Payment of the application fee

After completing the application and attaching the required documents you must pay the application fee (non-refundable). Please note that the application will only be considered complete after payment of the application fee.

The payment can be made by bank transfer (any bank charges are the responsibility of the applicant) with the following reference

IBAN: PT50 000706670000686000017


The proof of payment should be sent by e-mail to

Step 3 - Application results

The results will be available on Applicant Area on the due date, with the indication "Admissed" or "Not Admitted". You must access this area with the credentials you will receive at the end of your application.

After the results are announced, you will receive an email with the procedure to follow in order to enrol.

Over 23

The Universidade Católica Portuguesa, under the scope of the Decree-Law 64/2006, of 21st March, and by dispatch NR/R/0108/2006, allows access to its degree courses by students over 23 years of age who, not being holders of higher education access qualifications, prove their capacity to attend them.

You can consult the general regulation of particularly appropriate tests intended to assess the capacity to attend Higher Education of people over 23 years of age.

Application Timetable Over 23 years old - 2023/24


Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine


5 June to 9 September



12 September


14 September       




14 to 19 September

Application can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documents required for application:

  • Civil and tax identification document;
  • Application form;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Documents (diplomas, certificates, letters of recommendation) that the candidate considers useful to demonstrate the curriculum presented;
  • Declaration, under oath, that you do not hold any higher education access qualification;
  • Motivation Letter addressed to the Direction of the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Assessment components

  • The assessment of the candidates' ability to attend the courses of the Faculty of Dentistry-Catholic Medicine is made through the following components:
  • Appreciation of the school and professional curriculum;
  • Explanation of the candidate's motivations for entering higher education and interview;
  • Written test to evaluate the knowledge and skills considered indispensable for the entry and progression in the course they are applying for.

Change of pair Institution/Course

The Change of Pair Institution/Course consists of the act by which a student enrolls and/or enrols in an institution and course different from those in which, in previous academic years, he or she carried out an enrolment (Portaria nº181-D/2015 of 19 June).

Students may request a Change of Institution/Course Pair if they:

  • Have been enrolled and registered in another institution/course pair and have not completed it, in Portugal or abroad;
  • Have taken the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance exams set by the Faculty of Dental Medicine for the year in which they request the Change of Institution/Course Pair (these national exams may have been taken in any previous school year) or similar exams;
  • Have, in these exams, the minimum classification required by the Catholic University of Portugal in that year.

Calendar of candidatures 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the MSc in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit-based scholarships with exemption or reduction of tuition fees, in accordance with the FMD Merit Scholarship Regulation

Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Stage 1

5 June to 1 September

Stage 2

4 a 14 de Setembro

Stage 1

5 September      

Stage 2

18 September


Stage 1

5 to 8 September

Stage 2

18 to 20 September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Stage 1

5 June to 24 July

Stage 2

25 July to 9 August

Stage 1

27 July   

Stage 2

11 August

Stage 1

31 July to 3 August

Stage 2

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August


Change of course of a national higher education institution

The course change request can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documentation required for application:

  • Civil and tax identification document;
  • Application addressed to the Director of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, requesting the transfer;
  • Curriculum Vitae of the course you are attending or have attended previously;
  • Certificate of the subjects passed, with the respective marks, credits and workload or ECTS;
  • Curricula of the subjects for possible crediting;
  • ENES form;
  • Motivation Letter.
Change of course of a foreign higher education institution

The transfer request can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documentation required for application:

  • Passport;
  • Application addressed to the Director of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, requesting the transfer;
  • Curriculum of the course you are attending or have attended previously;
  • Certificate of the subjects passed, with the respective marks, credits and workload or ECTS. The certificate should be accompanied by a statement explaining the marks contained therein, if these are different from the zero to twenty points system;
  • Course syllabuses for the attribution of eventual credits;
  • Certificate of completion of secondary education with classifications per subject;
  • Motivation Letter.

Note: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised by a Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority in the issuing country, or contain The Hague Apostille, except if issued in the United Kingdom, in countries of the EU, or belonging to the European Economic Area, or the European Free Trade Association. When the documents are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, English or French, the respective translation must be delivered, made under the terms foreseen in the notarial law. Legalized documents must be submitted at the time of registration.

Change of course - Within the UCP

Applicants to change course within the UCP only need to submit an application addressed to the Dean of the Faculty, requesting the change of course, since the necessary documentation will be presented by the School Services, which already have the student's file. This request will be submitted to the appreciation of the Direction of the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Request for Credits

Admitted candidates may request the attribution of credits and respective ECTS credits, corresponding to the course units in which they have passed at their home institution.

General Regime - via 12th grade (National and EU applicants)

Conditions of Application:

  • Applicants who have completed Grade 12 or legally equivalent qualification;
  • Applicants who have completed Secondary Education or only 12th grade abroad. For that, they must obtain the legal equivalence to the Portuguese Secondary Education.

As far as entrance examinations are concerned, candidates taking the national entrance examination in Portugal or the final examination of the homologous subject in higher education abroad are admitted. To find out which terminal subjects are similar to the entrance examinations requested, please contact the FMD.

The following entrance examinations are accepted for application:


Admission exams

Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Biology and Geology or Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Biology and Geology or one of the following sets:

- Biology and Geology and Physics and Chemistry or

- Biology and Geology and Mathematics A

The application mark is calculated with the following formula:

  • Final classification of secondary education: 60%.
  • Classification of the entrance examination(s): 40%

Application dates 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the MSc in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit-based scholarships with exemption or reduction of tuition fees, in accordance with the FMD Merit Scholarship Regulations

Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Stage 1

5 June to 1 September

Stage 2

4 to 14 September

Stage 1

5 September       

Stage 2

18 September


Stage 1

5 to 8 Se

Stage 2

18 to 20 September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Stage 1

5 June to 24 July

Stage 2

25 July to 9 August

Stage 1

27 July  

Stage 2

11 August

Stage 1

31 July to 3 August

Stage 2

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August

Documentation required for application:

  • Civil and fiscal identification document;
  • ENES file (National Secondary Education Exams) or other documents that substitute it in case of applicants holding foreign secondary education courses;
  • Prerequisite - group A - (only for applications to Dentistry);
  • Passport size photo.

Application submissions
Applications for the FMD - Católica courses for 2023/24, within the deadlines indicated in the calendar, can be made in person or online .

Step 1

  • Start your online application, fill in your personal details and select the Bachelor programme(s) you wish to apply for.

Step 2

  • After submitting the application, you should pay the application fee using the ATM reference that you will receive in the last step.

Step 3

  • Please send all the necessary documentation by e-mail to or by registered post to the following address:

Universidade Católica Portuguesa
A/c Serviços Escolares
Estrada da circunvalação
3504-505 Viseu

Note: The application will only be considered complete after payment of the fee and submission of documentation.


Transfer consists of the act by which a student enrolls and/or registers at a different institution from the one where, in previous academic years he/she made an enrollment (Portaria nº181-D/2015 of 19 June).

Students may apply for transfer who:

  • Have been enrolled and registered in another institution/course pair and have not completed it, in Portugal or abroad;
  • Have passed the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance exams set by the Faculty of Dental Medicine for the year in which they request the Change of Institution/Course Pair (these national exams may have been passed in any previous school year) or similar exams;
  • Have, in these exams, the minimum classification required by the Catholic University of Portugal in that year.

Application calendar 2023/24

NOTE: Candidates for the MSc in Applied Biomedicine and the Degree in Biomedical Sciences will have access to merit-based scholarships with exemption or reduction of tuition fees, in accordance with the FMD Merit Scholarship Regulations

Degree in Biomedical Sciences

Stage 1

5 June to 1 September

Stage 2

4 to 14 September

Stage 1

5 September       

Stage 2

18 September


Stage 1

5 to 8 September

Stage 2

18 to 20 September

Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Stage 1

5 June to 24 July

Stage 2

25 July to 9 August

Stage 1

27 July   

Stage 2

11 August

Stage 1

31 July to 3 August

Stage 2

29 to 31 August

Master in Applied Biomedicine 5 June to 28 July 31 July 31 July to 3 August

Should there be any vacancies left after the second stage, the Faculty of Dental Medicine may, at its discretion, make these vacancies available for a third stage of applications. These applications may be considered in the order in which they are received, being exhausted when they are filled, or they may be ranked within a period to be defined by the Faculty.

Transfer from a national higher education institution

The transfer application can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documentation required for application:

  • Civil and tax identification document;
  • Application Form addressed to the Director of the Faculty, requesting the transfer;
  • Curriculum Vitae of the course you are attending or have attended previously;
  • Certificate of the subjects passed, with the respective marks, credits and workload or ECTS;
  • Curricula of the subjects for possible crediting;
  • ENES form;
  • Motivation Letter.

Note: The subjects to which equivalence is granted are recognised with the ECTS credits foreseen in the curricular plan of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Portuguese Catholic University.

Transfer from a foreign higher education institution

The transfer request can be made in person or online (available soon) within the stipulated deadlines.

Documentation required for application:

  • Passport;
  • Application Form addressed to the Director of the Faculty, requesting the transfer;
  • Curriculum of the course you are attending or have attended previously;
  • Certificate of the subjects passed, with the respective marks, credits and workload or ECTS. The certificate should be accompanied by a statement explaining the marks contained therein, if these are different from the zero to twenty points system;
  • Course syllabuses for the attribution of eventual credits;
  • Certificate of completion of secondary education with classifications per subject;
  • Motivation Letter.

Note: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised by a Portuguese diplomatic or consular authority in the issuing country, or contain The Hague Apostille, except if issued in the United Kingdom, in countries of the EU, or belonging to the European Economic Area, or the European Free Trade Association. When the documents are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, English or French, the respective translation must be delivered, made under the terms foreseen in the notarial law. Legalized documents shall be handed in at the moment of enrolment. The subjects to which credit is granted shall be recognized with the ECTS credits foreseen in the curricular plan of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Portuguese Catholic University.


Coordenador Licenciatura em Ciências Biomédicas

Ana Sofia Duarte


Phone: (+351) 232 419 500 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)