Epidemiology and Public Health

3 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese

The main objectives of the UC Epidemiology and Public Health are to understand basic concepts applied in Epidemiology. Know the most used epidemiological studies and their importance (observational, quasi-experimental and experimental studies). Being able to apply an epidemiological study according to the defined study objectives. Know how to analyze and interpret the results presented in a meta-analysis. Correctly interpret the basic demographic characteristics of a population through a population pyramid and draw up a population pyramid. Correctly draw up a contingency table to be able to interpret study results and calculate relative risks, odds ratios, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and precision. Calculate measures of frequency (incidence and prevalence), association (relative risk and odds ratio) and impact (attributable risk). Understand the Bradford-Hill causality criteria and their importance in establishing a cause-effect relationship between exposure and the emergence of a disease in a population. Understand the definition and purposes of epidemiological surveillance and its importance in Public Health. Identify problems that may arise in an epidemiological study – biases and confusion – in order to be able to evaluate their influence on the results obtained from a given study. Understand the essential biostatistical concepts applied in health research. Interpret and perform a comparison between two proportions in independent samples and paired samples, logistic regression, linear regression and comparison of rates. Perform various statistical applications and operations in the IBM SPSS program. Correctly interpret the various hypothesis tests in order to extrapolate results and associations obtained from samples to the population.