Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso

Professor Auxiliar


Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso, DMD, PhD é Professor Auxiliar Convidado da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa na


Animal models used in furcation perforation studies: A systematic review and comprehensive synthesis of model characteristics

Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso (with Miguel Cardoso). 2018. Australian Endodontic Journal

Biodentine for furcation perforation repair: An animal study with histological, radiographic and micro-computed tomographic assessment

Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso (with Cardoso, M.). 2018. Iranian Endodontic Journal

Dental dam application for endodontics in dogs—A novel clamp kit

Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso (with Cardoso, M.). 2018. Journal of Veterinary Dentistry

In vivo biocompatibility of Resilon compared with gutta-percha in a pre-clinical model.

Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso (with Cardoso M). 2013.

Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment of fused teeth with transposition: a case report.


The use of systemic antibiotics in endodontics: A cross-sectional study

Miguel Agostinho Beco Pinto Cardoso (with Silva, M.). 2017. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial